[EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Dział poświęcony projektowi Arabian Campaign

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Inscription : mar. sept. 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par McBenn »

That's also a plausible possibility. Let's stick with that as it entails logical consequences if the player doesn't make the measurements in Ar13.

Have a look at the manuscript and adjust it if I missed anything.
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Inscription : mar. juil. 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par 0dd1 »

I was going to edit the manuscript, but thought these need to be talked over first.

Previously we said that vehilces are to be transfered from Ar13, but now that they are to return to base in Ar14 intro, they should be able to get some new ones. I could add saving of vehicles in Ar13, so the player could get some extra, but I think it may be over complicating things.

The destroying of teleport after transport sounds fine, but it seems like something too small to make you loose medal or the whole mission.
I say make it a part of a cutscene, trigered after gathering all cargos near the teleport, where they would send a radar first (or should they do that when they first get hold of the teleport?), then the escort (a control tower(s) and a mechanic good egnough to control all vehicles would probably have to be included), then the cargos and afterwards Heike blows up the teleport.

I assumed the Omar call would be made in two steps - sometime halfway through the mission Omar calls saying Gensher is on the move, and sometime after that he calls saying he got ambushed. Doesn't seem unreasonable to inform Heike about Gensher being out of control right away, even if it doesn't strictly change her mission, it is important to the Arabians. btw how does Omar know Gensher got ambushed? He actually called for help? Some scouts observed the situation (like the ones you mentionned in previous post)? Or did they intercept some Legion or UPF communications?
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Inscription : mar. sept. 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par McBenn »

I have been editing the manuscript continuously as we have agreed on stuff.

I don't think it's unreasonable to save the vehicles in Ar13 and re-use some of them in Ar14. Besides, since Ar14 is a swift counter-attack these may be the only vehicles avaiable so if the player loses a lot of them in Ar13, he/she won't have as many avaiable in Ar14.

Exactly how to send away the cargo bays in general I'm not sure. Could be a cutscene or manual labour by the player. I think maybe the latter fits best but maybe it's easier to decide when creating the mission.
Btw we could simplify how they determine the teleport exits by saying they throw in radios or something similar they can track (somehow). A little less story-wise clean but a lot more convenient.

Agreed agreed, Omar tells Heike about Gensher setting out against his orders.
I don't think Gensher would ever call for help himself but his men are not necessarily that stubborn. I would go for some of them called Omar for help.
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Inscription : mar. juil. 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par 0dd1 »

I added the saving of vehicles, just saving all of them in a single list. I'm not sure how exactly they should be carried over, to fit the mission. The total available in Ar13 are: 3 radars (2 remote), 4 hovercrafts, 2 remote cargos (and 1 manual),
manual medium: about 2 rockets, 2 guns, 1 gatling, 1 flamer;
non manual medium: 3-5 guns, 1-3 rockets, 1-3 gatlings, 1-2 flamers. (Randomized).

On the spot I would divide it in Ar14 intro like this:
2 remote cargos (if spared, ignore the manual)
1 control tower (mandatory)
radar, preferably remote (if spared)
for the rest of people, 2 hoverafts and random vehicles out of the pool spared (give them light trikes if there's not egnough)
1-2 random vehs out of the non manual pool

I also thought about the artifact techs for final mission.
I previously said we could increase the speed of human units because I didn't think it could be done with the vehicles. It turns out this can be easily done by making duplicates of all chassis in vehicles.txt (data->GameInit) with increased speed, and then removing/replacing the unit with the modified chasiss (while keeping all the parameters like hp, fuel, driver, cargo, selection, tasks etc.). Works just as smoothly as with SetAttr() for human units (though these have to be replaced too). Only exception to that is the hovercraft, because it goes back to the "resting" position when replaced, so if it's done while moving, it will suddenly appear on the ground, rise and then move. Just a little glitch.
I think it would be funny if the Arabians could purposely destabilise a siberite power plant in enemy base, from what they have learned in Ar07. We already mentionned contaminating an area with the artifact.
I keep thinking there should be some biological uses for it, seeing how that's uniqe to the Arabians, but can't come up with anything.
It also occured to me we shouldn't go too far with it, story-wise they should affect space-time and be related to siberite. So in case such techs turn out too powerfull, we could make them work only in proximity of siberite source, or make it somewhat chaotic, like something the player can't fully control.
btw are we going to use strictly new technologies or ad the previous ones from the campaign as well?
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Inscription : mar. sept. 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par McBenn »

Added saving of vehicle nation to Ar13. I don't recall seeing any manual vehicles the player could capture, but just for good measure. Even though a vehicle's design i clear from its components, the vehicle's picture will be a green N/A if uc_nation doesn't fit the design.
How to divide the vehicles will depend of the balancing of Ar14. Hard to say anything about atm.

Added the speed-up of vehicles and destabilization of power plants to the manuscript.
Biological hmm, seeing these techs should clearly be linked to siberite perhaps it could be that some of the techs require people to be injected with some kind of "liquid siberite".

@ btw are we going to use strictly new technologies or ad the previous ones from the campaign as well?
I assume we talk artifact techs here. The player doesn't have unlimited time to discover these techs so the number of techs we are talking is limited. So perhaps there is only gonna be new ones.
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Inscription : mar. juil. 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par 0dd1 »

There are medium manuals with heavy machine guns driven by bazookers, to keep them from slowing down their whole groups. I did want them to be included, the nation just slipped my mind.

The liquid siberite sounds wicked :twisted: I think that would be nice. I thought about the "old" techs because if the sib plant is to be damaged that way, naturally it would have to be visible to the player, so that would work like the sib explosion in pair with the vision artifact. But if that's not available then the player would have to have some good radars to effectively use such tech, and I think it might be better.
One thing I find interesting about this final mission, is that it is known they are all going to die at the end, so there's no reason to be keeping everyone alive at this point, not like in other campaigns with the no losses medal and all. With that in mind there could be some self destructive techs, like for example: making the "injection" of siberite gives your people some superpowers (heh, I mean like they can be affected by the artifacts) like increased speed or some teleportations, while slowly but surely killing them.
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Inscription : mar. sept. 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par McBenn »

0dd1 a écrit :I thought about the "old" techs because if the sib plant is to be damaged that way, naturally it would have to be visible to the player, so that would work like the sib explosion in pair with the vision artifact. But if that's not available then the player would have to have some good radars to effectively use such tech, and I think it might be better.
Hmm yeah vision is gonna be an issue with most of the techs. I've added a note about it in the manuscript.
0dd1 a écrit :One thing I find interesting about this final mission, is that it is known they are all going to die at the end, so there's no reason to be keeping everyone alive at this point, not like in other campaigns with the no losses medal and all. With that in mind there could be some self destructive techs, like for example: making the "injection" of siberite gives your people some superpowers (heh, I mean like they can be affected by the artifacts) like increased speed or some teleportations, while slowly but surely killing them.
That is definitely an aspect you don't see in any other mission and it does open up for some interesting (ahem self-destructive) perspectives.
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Inscription : mer. août 07, 2013 11:42 am

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par jirsrt »

Hello, I need help, I instal Original war on my new computer and copy my saves from old one, but from older version of the mod, where weren´t 12-15 Arab missions. I just download the newest version of the mod, but it can´t find these missions.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-V8t ... jA5czNkTTA

I had problem like this before, when 12a-15a missions starts, i can´t find them too before, but McBenn helped me with this:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CwCPD ... NGwdObKYww

Sorry for my bad english and there aren´t pictures. I don´t figured out how I can give them here.
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Inscription : mar. juil. 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par 0dd1 »

For the record, only two missions of the Arabian parts are finished so far, in case you didn't know.

When I finished the first of them, I posted a little explanation on how to do it: http://forum.stucuk.net/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=2874

It's set this way because we have no way to make a video choice between missions like in original campaigns. In short, there is an extra .snm file in your campaign save folder that decides what path you take. You replace it with "campaign_hack_to_12.snm" from the main mod folder, and that will let you start the Arabian branch when you start the game.
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Inscription : mer. août 07, 2013 11:42 am

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par jirsrt »

thank you very much
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Inscription : jeu. août 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par vanimpe »

I have played mission 12-14 and I am obliged to say that they are excellent. They need some small amendments to be polished.

In mission 12:
1. Pre-mission scene - in what mission Heike has heard about Christina Makise? I cannot recall. This creates some inconsistencies.
2. In objectives it is said that Gensher will tells us when we will be allowed to attack am base. Finally, Abdul gives us this command.
3. In objectives, we are ordered to disassemble "siberite bomb". It could be a little bit misleading. We all know that it is arabian self-bomb car based on Siberite. Btw., It is really difficult to capture this vehicle. :( I do not have idea how to reach this medal.

In mission 14:

1. Pre-mission scene need to be slowed down. It is on the same level as the previous mission or it is unnaturally accelerated. Additionally, Heike in all the scenes should be always presented as a soldier.
2. We need more time to do so many tasks! 60 minutes at the easiest level is not enough. I cannot accomplished it :(. Raise it to 90 minutes!

Btw. I propose you to change Hans Gluckman's face, maybe with a long hair as a rambo? :D Now, it is really dull and "looks-like-totally-random" person.
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Messages : 35
Inscription : ven. avr. 26, 2013 7:23 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par SW94 »

My honest suggestion in pro-Arab missions.

In mission 15: Commander of the Legion should be Kurt Schmidt. If he had died earlier and is replaced by a random guy (as in AM15).

What will happen with the Louis' group (from mission 8 ), Mark Bodenhof and Suze Thaelst in further missions? They join the Legion as Kurt?
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Inscription : mar. juil. 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par 0dd1 »

vanimpe a écrit : In mission 12:
1. Pre-mission scene - in what mission Heike has heard about Christina Makise? I cannot recall. This creates some inconsistencies.
2. In objectives it is said that Gensher will tells us when we will be allowed to attack am base. Finally, Abdul gives us this command.
3. In objectives, we are ordered to disassemble "siberite bomb". It could be a little bit misleading. We all know that it is arabian self-bomb car based on Siberite. Btw., It is really difficult to capture this vehicle. :( I do not have idea how to reach this medal.
1. It's just a reference to an anime McBenn has put in there (same as Kyouma in 15a). She is not supposed to appear before mission 12.
2. I'd leave it for McBenn.
3. Sorry. I was a bit negligent when making the translation. I'll fix it soon. And you capture the vehicle by destroying the Legion control tower at the right moment. That is, you destroy all controls but one, wait for the attack to appear, and blow the last one up on a mine or something like that. Then all the attacking vehicles are for the taking.

vanimpe a écrit : In mission 14:

1. Pre-mission scene need to be slowed down. It is on the same level as the previous mission or it is unnaturally accelerated. Additionally, Heike in all the scenes should be always presented as a soldier.
2. We need more time to do so many tasks! 60 minutes at the easiest level is not enough. I cannot accomplished it :(. Raise it to 90 minutes!
1. I just wanted to make the whole thing dynamic, and normal speed felt too slow. I'll fix the Heike though.
2. I had that and some more changes in mind for a while now, just havent gotten to it yet.
vanimpe a écrit : Btw. I propose you to change Hans Gluckman's face, maybe with a long hair as a rambo? :D Now, it is really dull and "looks-like-totally-random" person.
I already used the rambo hair on snake. Besides he pretty much is a random character, I personally hardly recall him at all.
SW94 a écrit : In mission 15: Commander of the Legion should be Kurt Schmidt. If he had died earlier and is replaced by a random guy (as in AM15).
Yes, I already had that in mind. A replacement for Kurt would logically be Gordon, or whoever replaces him in the radio dialogue in mission 14.
SW94 a écrit : What will happen with the Louis' group (from mission 8 ), Mark Bodenhof and Suze Thaelst in further missions? They join the Legion as Kurt?
All the characters are divided into three groups. One always joins Arabians, one always joins Legion, and one sticks to Heike and whatever choice she makes. All the ones you mentioned always join Legion. Could possibly make them appear in last mission on Legion side, just as you see the other characters (Dwayne, Aviradze, Evelyn) on Arabian side in Ar15a.
Do it!
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Inscription : jeu. août 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par vanimpe »

I did some corrections for translation of mission 12. and 13. I will do soon the same for mission 14.

I attached txt file. Unfortunately, there is a blockade for *.wri files.
Dernière modification par vanimpe le mer. juil. 06, 2016 9:45 am, modifié 1 fois.
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Inscription : mar. sept. 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Message par McBenn »

vanimpe a écrit :In mission 12:
1. Pre-mission scene - in what mission Heike has heard about Christina Makise? I cannot recall. This creates some inconsistencies.
2. In objectives it is said that Gensher will tells us when we will be allowed to attack am base. Finally, Abdul gives us this command.
1. As 0dd1 says it's the first time the player hears about her. Heike has heard about her some time in between two missions. The player isn't "on" all the time.
2. Nice spotted. Must have been my intention that Gensher should give the signal but it ended up being Abdul instead.
vanimpe a écrit :Btw. I propose you to change Hans Gluckman's face, maybe with a long hair as a rambo? :D Now, it is really dull and "looks-like-totally-random" person.
You want non-random? Non-random is what you get :P

@vanimpe, translations
What do you mean there a block for writing directly in the *.wri files? I can't figure out the encoding for these *.txt.