Original War Tournament 2019 - The final classification!

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The Great Uniter & Site Administrator
The Great Uniter & Site Administrator
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Location: Poland

Original War Tournament 2019 - The final classification!

Post por zoNE »

After two weeks of interesting matches we reached the end of the tournament! After 50 fierce battles, in which as many as 26 players fought against each other, we were able to successfully select the top four players of the Original War 2019 Tournament. Applause for our champions!

The final classification is as follows:
1 place: Bren
2nd place: MarianPL
3rd place: Lazarus
4th place: Rutek

Prizes will be sent out by 10.03.2019 - but you can expect them much earlier!

Prizes for charity!
By the decision of the competitors there was a small change in the prizes! Due to a small clash between the finalists over the prizes, we decided to propose a peaceful solution in the form of cash prizes for the first and second place in charity. According to the decision and consent of both finalists, the cash prizes for the first and second place, i.e. exactly 800 PLN, will be transferred to a charity chosen by the participants of the tournament! We would like to thank the players for this gesture. The choice of organization will be based on voting on original-war.net forum. For this purpose, a topic will be created, in which only participants of the tournament will be able to speak, choosing from the list of proposed organizations the one to which the money will be transferred. The survey will last from 26.02.2019 to 03.03.2019!

The remaining prizes remained unchanged successively:
1 miejsce - a key to a random game (a cash prize donated to charity)
2 miejsce - (cash prize donated to charity)
3 miejsce - 20% of the current prize pool 200 PLN

Consolation awards:
4th place - the key to a random game.

Ladders of the tournament and records of all fights can be found at the address: https://original-war.net/articles.php?a=tournament2019

We would like to thank the contestants for their participation in the contest, all those who helped with the organization for their cooperation, and the spectators for their participation! There may be another tournament after some time, but we will inform you about it in the future! And may the Force be with you always.