Original Revamp

Modding, patches, etc., for anyone who speaks neither Polish nor Czech.
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ArCamp Developer
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Registriert: Mar Jul 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Original Revamp

Mensaje von 0dd1 »

Here is a mod intended to refresh the well known game. It is introducing some previously unused content and ideas, as well as enhancing the technical side of the game. Only Russian campaign (without the alliance part) is done so far.

Major changes:
- New skirmish mode.
- Implemented some previously unused exclamations and dialogues.
- Fixed or added new secondary objectives/medals, in accordance with the authors original campaign script.
- An improved AI of the enemies in almost every mission (somewhat similar to what was developed for Arabian campaign).
- Fixed bugs, such as failing to save secondary characters throughout the campaign.
- Made apes more useful, by increased skill and they are transferred between missions.
- Masha is now more unique, i.e. has a bonus to speed and armor depending on chassis.
- Throughout campaign you will see characters from the other campaign.

Download v. 2.14

Última edición por 0dd1 el Mar Jul 14, 2020 5:38 pm, editado 14 veces en total.
Do it!