Misja 9

Dział poświęcony projektowi Arabian Campaign

Moderator: ArCamp Developer

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Soldier level 0
Posty: 2
Rejestracja: Fr Mär 11, 2011 9:13 pm

Misja 9

Beitrag autor: jakobosik »

Mam pewien problem z misją 9, a mianowicie nie wiem w jaki sposób wyrzucić naukowców z laboratorium. Znalazłem archiwum, jednak nie wiem co zrobić żeby z niego nie wyrzucali. Próbowałem wysadzać składy, rozwalać beczki, wysadzać coś w dwóch miejscach na raz, niszczyć laboratorium itd. Nic nie skutkuje. Macie jakieś rady?

Ps. Najtrudniejszy poziom.
Kung Führer
Kung Führer
Korea North
Posty: 2526
Rejestracja: Do Jan 04, 2007 9:45 pm
Wohnort: Gorzów Wlkp.

Re: Misja 9

Beitrag autor: Antitheus »

Postaram się znaleźć coś w kodzie. Póki co dla potomnych wrzucę ścieżki odkrycia Archiwum. Edytuję post, kiedy znajdę odpowiedź (McBenn chyba gdzieś mówił, że wywabienie naukowców na najtrudniejszym poziomie wymaga kicks ass skilla).
Ways Heike can obtain the documents:

- If you can determine what lab is the archive you can then lure the scientists out of the archive by hurting someone
in the base (actually all scientists from all labs will run straight to the wounded person). This is perhaps easiest
done using remote mines. When Heike has entered the archive the scientists won't notice her when they return.
Furthermore on easy difficulty you can safely enter the archive if the base is in code red or code black (the scientists
are distracted. On medium difficulty this goes only for code black. On easy and medium you also have a displayed string
telling you when the archive scientists are distracted.
You can find the lab by
* By observing the wandering scientists one can determine which lab is the archive (the lab almost every scientist
walks to and from) (this is hinted in the dialogue with the poker players in the warehouse).
* When speaking with the guys at the weapon testing area one can get vague information about the archive's position.
* When Heike is forced to repair vehicles (happens if she stays long enough inside the factory) the squad leader heads
directly towards the archive.
* Picking up the document in the Northern depot and delivering it to Yefibachev causes a soldier from Yefibachev's office
to be sent to the archive (to archive the document). Just follow the guy.
* Luring Yakov into a dark corner of the base (see below), force him to tell which building is the archive and then shoot him.
* Making Yakov collect some documents from the archive (if the base goes into Code Black he will abandon
the duty for that period giving the player some time before he hands over the documents to Yefibachev thereby revealing that
something is amiss).

- One of the guys at the weapon testing area is slightly girl crazy (Dmitri) so Heike can talk him into showing her the archive.
The good thing is that the scientists won't kick Heike out because she is together with Dmitri (who frequently delivers reports
to the archive). The downside is that he is quite pushy so Heike is ultimately faced with the option of shooting him or let him
run away. In the first case the gunshot is of course heard and the alarm will be raised. In the latter case Dmitri runs to
Yefibachev which also causes the hunt on Heike to begin. In both cases one can delay the alarm by causing the base to enter
Code Black state, that is hurting someone or something inside the base. Think of it as Yefibachev is too preoccupied with the
Code Black matter to listen to the scientist/Dmitri.

- If the player finds out that Tatiana (the woman who's identity Heike has stolen) had a boyfriend named Yakov (a mechanic) the
player can ask for him when entering the factory. If he is present you have two options: Tell him that Yefibachev wants him to
fetch some documents from the archive or lure him away and force him to reveal the location of the archive. The situations not
mentioned above are if the player lures Yakov away and either makes him follow Heike or spares his life.
The former allows Heike to enter the archive without the scientists kicking her out but has a risk since Yakov may suddenly
find his courage and rise the alarm. However he won't if the base is in Code Black.
The latter is similar to letting Dmitri run.
Ok, znalazłem funkcję. Czarno to widzę :)

Code: Alles auswählen

Function ArchiveGuardsDistracted;
          result = false;

          case difficulty of
               1: begin
                    if ( code_red or code_black ) and heike_undercover = 2 then
                         result = true;
               2: begin
                    if code_black and heike_undercover = 2 then
                         result = true;
               3: begin

Mówiąc w skrócie: na najłatwiejszym poziomie odwrócisz uwagę naukowców wywołując alarm typu 'czerwony' lub 'czarny' oraz, gdy tożsamość Heike pozostaje nieznana dla Rosjan.
Na średnim poziomie odwrócisz uwagę nakowców tylko podczas kodu czarnego z zastrzeżeniem, że Rosjanie nie mogą znać tożsamości Heike
Na najtrudniejszym poziomie nie da rady odwrócić uwagi naukowców :) Ja bym spróbował wysadzić archiwum i inne laby lub postarał się pozbyć kursujących naukowców tak, żeby Archiwum opustoszało :P
Soldier level 0
Soldier level 0
Posty: 2
Rejestracja: Fr Mär 11, 2011 9:13 pm

Re: Misja 9

Beitrag autor: jakobosik »

Wysadziłem lab tak by było czerwone i próbowałem wejść do środka od razu gdy zostanie naprawione, wtedy nikt Heike nie wywala, jednak nie zbiera ona raportów.

Okej, misja zaliczona, nie była taka trudna w końcu, po prostu miałem jakiś bug z tymi raportami. Naprawił po zagraniu misji ponownie.
Ps.Najlepsza metoda na wywabienie naukowców: zranić kogoś w bazie (najlepiej miną), wtedy wszyscy naukowcy biegną leczyć i zostawiają laby puste.
ArCamp Developer
Posty: 509
Rejestracja: Di Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: Misja 9

Beitrag autor: McBenn »

What was that about documents not being collected while Heike is in the Archive?
Kung Führer
Kung Führer
Korea North
Posty: 2526
Rejestracja: Do Jan 04, 2007 9:45 pm
Wohnort: Gorzów Wlkp.

Re: Misja 9

Beitrag autor: Antitheus »

Yup. He has damaged the archive (red hp) and tried to enter it while nobody's inside. However, Heike didn't want to collect the documents then.
ArCamp Developer
Posty: 509
Rejestracja: Di Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: Misja 9

Beitrag autor: McBenn »

Can't reproduce it. jakobosik are you sure it was the archive you entered?