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Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:22 am
by Antitheus
Podchodząc do misji fabularnie - Gensher zbiera informacje od Amerykanów - Ruscy tylko przeszkadzają i nie mają nic do rzeczy. Musisz bronić naukowców Genshera (zależy od tego medal) zarówno przed ruskimi (przed ucieczką) jak i przed amerykanami (w trakcie ucieczki).

W sdtarszych wersjach czasami event ucieczki się nie uruchamiał przez to, że Ruscy się zablokowali (wystarczyło zaatakować zablokowany oddział).

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:37 am
by McBenn
Am I hearing that the time before Gensher signals his retreat should be shortened? I'm a little surprised myself you have to wait for so long.

About the cameras I'm not sure why sometimes it fails. The amount of activity on the map shouldn't matter.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:19 pm
by 0dd1
Somehow it never felt like the mission takes too long, but now that You mentioned it - there does seem to be an excess of time. I have played several times on hard difficulty and usually there is egnough time to destroy russian base, manufacture about 15 vehicles for the last part and still wait idly for a few minutes. On the other hand, that vacuum is craeted mainly because russian attacks stop after the base is destroyed, which allows the player to continue uninterrupted.
If the time were to be shortened, it would probably be best to cut a little short the entire mission, waiting for scout to return, waiting for Cornell. Alternatively, if the russian base was harder to destroy, it would give the player something to do in all this time. I personally would go for the latter.

By the amout of activity, I meant that there can be a slight lag sometimes in this mission, which could interfere in the camera placing. By reloading a save, I repetadely placed the camera just after the camera-invention dialogue, varying the pace of the game and all worked just fine. Later on, after Cornell's appearance, a camera on the same tree sometimes needed to be placed twice.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:31 pm
by McBenn
I'll give the mission a tweek here and there as soon as I have 15a done (which would be soon).

Hmm I'm puzzled why it would get more unstable after the Cornell event. I'll add that to my "to-do".

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:56 pm
by vanimpe
In american campaign (mission 11) there is a characteristic hero called Hans Fliege, he is always named the same. He gave us a pass code to the Arabic camera system. Maybe, you can use him in this campaign? He will be a great man to tell us about camera technology in this mission etc.

He is really similar to Dwayne Quinones, because of his apeman friend Mike Dalton. Maybe you should change Dwayne to Hans? The campaign would be more connected with original scenario. He is universal hero, because in mission 11 he wears a mortar man suit, so he could be a mechanic.

Watch 16 minute in this video:

He says that he is a camera specialist and moreover, that he installed them. He should be used in camp, especially in this mission.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:17 am
by 0dd1
These campaigns are full of discrepancies, it doesn't make such an issue and all the optical stuff is attributed to Bodenhoff. Considering they only appear once, why not change these two into Dwayne and Gonzo?

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:52 am
by vanimpe
I think that it is a really good idea to change Dwayne and Gonzo to these guys. They really fit to the campaign and to the plot and I as a player prefer to play with heroes that I know from the original camp.

About optical technology you're right, it should be Bodenhoff specialization.

In Heike rescue team, there are her friends like Oswald Krauze, Kurt Schmidt and Dwayne Quinones. I think that Hans Fliege fits more that Dwayne, because he has a german-sounding name like Oswald, Kurt and Heike, so he could be their friend from the future. Quinones is not a german-sounding surname, so I think that he doesn't fit to them. I think that random person will not risk his life for Heike, but Hans could be her friend from past/future.

And as we can see in original camp, Hans and Mike betray Arabians so we shouldn't forget about them in next missions of Legion. Especially, about Gonzo/Mike because he is really funny character and very important!!!

What's more, Hans should be very skilled hero in later missions. He should be a good mechanic and engineer and medium scientist. Maybe a little bit similar to Bobby Brandon? Hans Fliege is an electric so he could repair cars and does camera systems.

But the name of Hans Fliege apeman is MIKE DALTON, identically like the first character which Heike meets in first and third mission. This Mike Dalton should be changed for the character which we know from the original american camp. I think about Phil Wright, who is under Lucy Donaldson control in Mission 4 (base Gamma). It really fits this that he is in the Ar camp mission 3 in Lucy Donaldson base.

If you change this cosmetic nuances, typical players will feel more like playing "official" camp. Mod is really great! But should have more in common with Am and Rus campaign. It is a great comparision with first mission of Rus and Am camp, where we meet Pokryszkin.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:55 pm
by McBenn
Re-using characters from the original missions I also think helps tie this campaign to the original ones.

Dunno why I never met Hans Fliege and Mike when I played this mission, but you are right. They do resemble Dwayne and Gonzo. I know Dwayne's name isn't German (maybe British, I dunno) but that doesn't mean he couldn't have been part of the same mercenary group as Heike in the future. That being said I'm not sure what to think about replacing Dwayne and Gonzo with Hans and Mike. Primarily because they would naturally join Legion and there are just so many other main characters who join Legion (independent of Heike's choice). It feels like it would tip the balance. But that's just my opinion. What do you guys/gals think?

It's almost hilarious that the name of the American guy Heike meets in the first mission is exactly the name of Hans's ape friend :lol: Phil Wright we can easily change him to. Again he seems to be one of those pseudo-random characters as his name doesn't appear in charname.wri and his portrait doesn't exist in any gallery.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:30 pm
by vanimpe
We cannot be sure that Hans and Mike would join Legion because they betray Arabs because they do not want to die in Macmillan's attack.

So if Arabs didn't lose and lost their bases they would not have betrayed Arabs. What's more, we do not know more about them and furthermore, if we do not give them cargo bay they do not runaway from this base.

WHY IT WON'T HAPPEN? Because It happens only if Epsilon is not destroyed by Russians/Arabs. Macmillan attacks Arabian territory 'cos Epsilon still exist, so they can be calm about their researches. But as we can hear in 11th mission - Russian attacks base Alpha and we have to destroy it quickly. So if Epsilon is destroyed by Heike they are not self-confident to attack Arabs because they know that they are strong.
In conclusion, that is why Hans and Mike will not betray Arabs.

I do not know a lot about Phil Wright, but he always has the same face and the same name & surname in this mission. What's more he tells us sth so he might not be a random character.

@McBenn, What do you think about changing a mechanic Willard Fields to the Powell's friend - Ali Hadarach? I said why it is a good idea in the last post of this topic. -> ... 1&start=90 .

They have lot in common:
# both are mechanics
# Wilard Fields betrays Arabs with Gordon and he stays with Farmer (and he is used in many missions but not in 15 th mission of Legion camp).
# It will tie original camp with this one
and it is easy to change because Ali Hadarach always has a random face so you should only change the name of this hero.

I said more why in that topic.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:05 pm
by McBenn
@ Phil Wright
It's not unusual for a random character to have a line of dialogue. And it's not unusual to have pseudo-random characters either (depends on who coded the mission). But that's ok. Do you have a save file for the American campaign where he appears? Would make my job of copying him easier.

@ Hans and Mike
I see your point why they wouldn't betray the Arabs, but the fact that they do in Am11 says something about their mentality. If they had the chance they would. Still I would like some more opinions on this matter.

@ Willard Field
See the thread.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:42 pm
by vanimpe
Link to save with Phil Wright:

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:08 pm
by McBenn
Meant a campaign save. UserProfiles/normal/[your profile name]/CampaignSaves

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:28 pm
by vanimpe
Here it is:

Phil Wright is on the 4th mission - Baptism of Fire.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:28 pm
by vanimpe
This guy should be named as Mel Brennan. In all later mission he isn't Phil Wright but Mel Brennan (and Mel Brennan is in all later missions). So his face should be used but with name from later missions.

Re: Arabska kampania - 11 misja

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:31 pm
by Nicollo
This name change every time you start 4th American mission on the same profile ;) For example: female mechanic Naoma Einstein (first time) has another name in next trials ;)