[EN] General bug reporting

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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by McBenn »

Christ! Is this what happens when you're away just a few days?! Well at least now I know how to spend my weekend :arrazz:
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by Antitheus »

shooshoo wrote:Minor bug - consider refilling tanks hp and increasing drivers skill on the last scene of 8th mission. Once I've beat them and I had to reload game ;p
(How I did that? 3 soldiers, 2 scientists, 4 apes and ofc three bombs at the south end of road, where russians are spawned, in final spawn lost(fortunately only 1 turncoat in this group) 2 soldiers, 2 apes only because of spawned tanks, wasn't expected them)
had to boast

or you can increase defense of south-south russian base but will cut the chances of rescuing arabian
I strongly suggest to resign from massive Russian rush script and replace it with something game engine friendly. Present solution causes in-game lags - plus - the engineers, who are "repairing everything besides of armory and turrets", are quite strange. The Russians may do some trick e.g.
- bring the rocket launchers (spawned near or in their main base)
- Clear the southern forest with bulldozers and rush from there
So the player's soldiers (especially engineers) will surrender to Russians or try to escape them. E.g. Meza could say "I can't hold it any longer. Run for your life!". It's only a proposition of making the game much less laggy and preventing the player from destroying the "fatal Russian attack".
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by McBenn »

I can only agree. The massive attack has only caused problems, not only lagg but also players actually countering it. Your idea seems fine: Spawn some bazookers west of the base and march with only them (and perhaps the computer vehicles there are present), and have some of the player's characters run away in fear (Meza is just the type yes :P).
Also I am considering if the Russians should attack the southern base if the player captures it. Would make it a lot harder to shoot down the Russian reinforcements.

One more thing. I wasn't able to reproduce these bugs (mission 09):
Antitheus wrote:(1) Yakov's girl event area is not marked (like Johny Cash: I've been everywhere)
(2) Yakov won't exit the workshop and go to the archive
(3) The soldier is getting out of the archive just after I bond him
(1) Exactly when isn't that area visible? What have you done before luring Yakov out?
(2) Same again: What happened before this occured?
(3) Who?
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by Antitheus »

1. Talking to soldiers near the test range, telling them Yakov's girl name, going into the factory, telling the supervisor I want to talk with Yakov, telling him his girl wants to see him, he's following me now - and now you don't know where to take him (I've tried every possible place)
2. Same steps but I'm telling Yakov his supervisor wants him to get some documents - he should exit the factory and show me the archive, right?
3. Soldier standing by the test range - you can somewhat flirt with him and make him show you the archive. After entering the Archive I'm choosing to bond him - "document stolen" indicator value is rising - but the soldier is going into the commander's quarters just after the dialogue box.
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by McBenn »

1. Am I the only one who can see a small red highlighted area a little south of the warehouse?
2. Yes and he does for me. He won't if the base is in code red or black. Does that sound familiar? (btw will be changed to only code black).
3. Eh what do you mean "bond"? The query we are talking about is QShootingGalleryKill right?

Code: Select all

? QShootingGalleryKill
What now?
- Shoot him
- Let him go
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by Antitheus »

1. Oh, I focus on the northern area, so my bad here.
2. No alarm sounded when I tried this.
3. Yeah, in PL files you've got "to bond him" and to "shoot him", so I thought it's a bug - fixed it already.
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by McBenn »

2. This is the relevant code:

Code: Select all

if heike_undercover in [3,4] or IsDead(Yakov) or IsDead(Yefibachev) then

          if code_black {or code_red} or Yakov in ai_mechanics_attack[1] or Yakov in ai_heal_these_humans[1] then
                    except_Yakov = false;
So what stops Yakov from exiting the factory and going for the archive is:
- If the is dead.
- If Yefibachev is dead.
- If code black is sounded.
- If Yakov is currently assigned to drive a vehicle.
- If Yakov is being healed.
Btw perhaps Yakov should be like "what are you talking about?" if you say Yefibachev asks him to fetch something in the archive if Yefibachev is dead.
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by Antitheus »

A bit strange, because Yefibachev's alive. I'm trying to do no mess, so the base is almost untouched (but still I'm killing the patrol guys). Maybe there's some detail which i had missed (sounded alarm).
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by Antitheus »

Mission 4
  • Duplicated ident in dialogues: D4H1

    Code: Select all

    $ D4H1
    - Seems our little game of words is over. At least we only have one enemy to worry about now.
    $ D4SavedAm1
    - Heike... why...?
    $ D4H1
    - ...
Mission 6
  • You can find refueling icon when mousing over the retreating Russian cargo bay (purple one).
  • Sometimes Russian cargo bay (red) can't get to crates (because landform), so it's lagging the game (old fashioned freezes). Player can fix it by destroying either truck or crates.
Mission 9
  • All's cool now but when Heike escapes the base through a hidden passage and meets Russian patrol (code red) - nothing happens. I think she should be targeted or asked to return the base.
Mission 10
  • IDK what causes this problem but sometimes Gensher is warning you about Russian attack - even when you haven't seen event ? QGensherTraitors. In my version I've captured the base - Gensher called me and warned about Russians - and then he asked about the traitors. Maybe if you're loading game, it's somewhat affecting the ? QGensherTraitors query. Or maybe I was fast enough to deal with the base before query box. Anyway, I think this may be a little, cosmetic bug.
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by zghlwigi »

Znalazłem jeden błąd językowy w 11 misji.
Kiedy Mark Bodenhof powiadamia nas że może opracować bomby latające mówi dwa razy słowo "znów"

http://rapidshare.com/share/51DA6E4F1A1 ... 088B484C51

A teraz pytanie, w misji 11 jest zadanie "przejmij wrogie laboratorium". Nie ma za nie medalu, a samo zadanie znika kiedy amerykanie uciekając z bazy wysadzają je. Rozumiem że jest to sztuczne zadanie i nie ma żadnego wpływu na dalszą grę bo z założenia ma się nam nie udać
.. tak? XD

I druga sprawa, w misji z bazą epsilon uratowałem Kathama i w zasadzie na tym skończyło się moje widzenie tej postaci : D jak go uratowałem tak zniknął z tego świata ^^" nie powinien przyłączać się do nas kiedy stajemy po stronie legionu albo coś? Albo czy chociaż nie powinniśmy go widzieć bo w innym wypadku ratowanie go nie ma sensu bo dajemy tylko arabom (czyli w obecnej kampanii naszemu wrogowi) naukowca...
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by McBenn »

Translate help please Antitheus. Google is useless
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by Antitheus »

1. Błędy polonizacji http://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=3127 - Prosiłbym, żeby General Bug Reporting służył do zgłaszania błędów programu.
2. Tak. Wysadzone laboratorium nie może zostać zajęte (nie chodzi Ci czasem o misję 13?)
3. Jeśli Khattam zostanie zaakceptowany pozostaje z Arabami - jeśli go dorzucisz, dołączy do uciekinierów. Zauważ, że poszczególne misje dzieli parę ładnych dni, stąd Khattam może na luzie pozostać w Nowej Kaabie.
Spoiler: EN for McBenn
Znalazłem jeden błąd językowy w 11 misji.
Kiedy Mark Bodenhof powiadamia nas że może opracować bomby latające mówi dwa razy słowo "znów"
Just a minor polonisation issue. Nothing to bother you with.
A teraz pytanie, w misji 11 jest zadanie "przejmij wrogie laboratorium". Nie ma za nie medalu, a samo zadanie znika kiedy amerykanie uciekając z bazy wysadzają je. Rozumiem że jest to sztuczne zadanie i nie ma żadnego wpływu na dalszą grę bo z założenia ma się nam nie udać
He wonders why you're not getting medal after the laboratories are blown up in 11th mission (I think he mean 13th). And yep, he found the right conclusion - it's a fake quest, because the labs are always blown up.
I druga sprawa, w misji z bazą epsilon uratowałem Kathama i w zasadzie na tym skończyło się moje widzenie tej postaci : D jak go uratowałem tak zniknął z tego świata ^^"
And the last one query is about Khattam and his absence in 12th mission after you rescue him in previous one. I've told zghlwig that if Khattam has been accepted in 11th mission, he would stay in New Kaaba with pro Arab forces.
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by zghlwigi »

I found single translation bug in mission 11.
When Mark Bodenhorf informing us that he can combain flying bombs he two times said word "again"

http://rapidshare.com/share/51DA6E4F1A1 ... 088B484C51

And now question, in 13 mission there is a quest "conquer enemy laboratories". I see there is no achievement/medal for that quest and quest dissapeard when runnings from their base americans scientists blow them up. I understand that this is an artificial task and has no further effect on gameplay because the assumption is that we wont make it.

And second case. In the mission of base epsilon I saved Katham and in fact that was the end of my interacting with that character. I saved him and he disappear from the world ( i mean i had him to the end of that mission but nothing later). I dont know its a bug or not, but i think he shoud join to us when we chose to create legion... or he shoud speak with us or something... any kind on interaction cos if it will be like now we just giving arabs (our enemy) good researcher

Sry for mistakes ect. : D

Damn, i was too late : D
I understand that katham coud went to other arab camp, but in fact when we decide to refuse katham request he will join to us (in later missions), or we act like true angels and "adopt" him for last minutes of that mission and later he will be our enemy....
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by McBenn »

Yes you have a secondary objective with capturing the American labs in mission 13 but as you noticed it is impossible to complete because the Americans blow up the labs. Such is the nature of war - you may never be able to complete your mission. Putting the filosophical stuff aside it's logical for Legion to try and capture the technology to build the siberite bomb but we can't let that happen because from the original campaigns we know Kozlow builds it for them. He will enter the scene in mission 14.

It's kinda coincidence that Khattam ends up in Legion if you refuse him in mission 11. But don't worry, he's not trusted right away. If fact you can choose to kill him or send him away in mission 13 if you feel he poses a threat.
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Post by McBenn »

shooshoo wrote:Mission 10(suggestion)
I think u should add any objection of captives if I attack them(including bombing)
shooshoo wrote: I think Russians doesn't have code to produce another cargo if former one was destroyed(I managed to destroy it at the beginnig by forcing it(?) all the time to change route to base and, as a result, it didn't move at all).
They haven't. They don't even use that cargo bay if it escapes.
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