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Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:29 pm
by Serpent
I present you a mod based on a FBM mod.

The difference is that the AI has a few written scripts for e.g.: building base, making vehicles, attacking and gathering crates.


You will need game patched to version 1.12.7 or newer to run this mod.

Polish Image
English Image


- Defence Mode is still in WiP phase

- Events' base development
- Adding map for 4 players (player vs AI vs AI vs AI)
- Adding mini-quests
- Adding the ability to research and use arifacts by AI

Defence Mode:
Do you remember the fourth russian mission where Burlak leads a defence against the Arabs?
I decided to make something like this.

- We start on the same map. We can choose number of people, level of difficulty, nation, etc.
- Our objective is to fortify ASAP to defend ourselves against incoming waves of enemies.
- No one can cross the road, if he does, he will die :)
- Crates will not respawn so don't look for them.
- For each killed unit we earn points, which we can then spend on some bonuses.
- On the right side we have counters (time, wave number, earned points and time until the next wave)

- Still in beta phase (we're looking for bugs)

I'm waiting for suggestions, proposals and eventual bug reports. Good luck!

Thx Szymiew for translate ;)

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:18 pm
by McBenn
Nice one :) Like that you can pick four different styles for the map :P Didn't try to compete with the AI, just opened map 01 in the editor and removed all fog so I could see what it was doing. It's impressive how much you can do with a few lines of code :P
There were a few reading beyond end of list errors: The first I think was when the AI was going to built power plants (reading 6 of {list with 5 elements}). The second was when I attacked their base and engineers went to repair buildings. Got readings like "35 of [35,37,38,39,40]" and "37 of [35,37,38,39,40]" so I guess the error is that you use a unit identifier as the reader. Btw played on hardest difficulty.

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:20 am
by Serpent
I know about this error but it's not very important to fix it now ;)

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:44 am
by Thunderbolt

Thanks for the excellent vs AI mod!

the 1vs1 is an interesting fight and i enjoy the random events. (even if i loose my base :D)

and the defense is challenging!

Keep up the Great Work!

i will let you know if anything breaks :amhello:

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:48 pm
by Serpent
Thx ;D

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 2:49 pm
by Morgan
I think the link is dead, isn't it ?

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:12 pm
by Antitheus
Nope. RS link is working for me.

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:47 pm
by YuriStriatov

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:18 pm
by Morgan
Thank you !
It was a web browser problem, it means the link isn't dead.

French players are having an issue. The game is crashing when trying to play Fight With Bot. It seems to be a similar error I had when releasing WaveMod on english version. Have a look to this video : ...

Attached is the errorlog file.

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:11 pm
by Serpent
I can't reproduce this error (my OW won't change language -.-).

But try this fix:

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:54 pm
by Morgan
Thank you, it is working.
Good job !

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:03 pm
by Serpent
I'm searching someone who can translate mod to french ;)

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:08 pm
by corruption3d
The second wave on the second mission is IMO impossible....dosnt matter what faction i play the amount of men just over whelm your base/defense and slay everyone. Brilliant idea for a mod though and its something ive been looking for now for along time...i just replay the first mission over and over again because its good fun :) good job on the mod.

There is a glitch i found....on the first mission the random events destroy your siberate deposits and you can no longer build a mine on it to gain more back and in turn have no more siberite...this happened to both deposits.

Also a skirmish kind of mode should be put in....similar to online play where people join select there teams and play you should be able to add AI's into a game and play. What would make this more interesting if its possible (i guess anything is possible) is to make the AI's have different personalities such as a turtle AI (builds base defenses before anything else) or a rusher (Just builds fodder and tries being the person to take out enemies early) or something like that.

Like i said before great job on the mod and keep up the good work :)

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:12 pm
by Serpent
There is a glitch i found....on the first mission the random events destroy your siberate deposits and you can no longer build a mine on it to gain more back and in turn have no more siberite...this happened to both deposits.
It's special effect, doing game more difficult.
The second wave on the second mission is IMO impossible....
Maybe play on easy level? :P
Also a skirmish kind of mode should be put in....similar to online play where people join select there teams and play you should be able to add AI's into a game and play...
I can't add new things to GUI but player still can choose the interesting option before game.

Meanwhile i'll working on a new type of AI for 2vs2 game mode (human + comp vs 2x comp) and other mod with alliance and arabian campaigns ;)

Re: Fight With Bot - Mod

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:36 pm
by corruption3d
So its designed to completely remove the deposit? if so your right it makes it harder :D

ive tried doing the second map on every level with every faction but the scaling of the AI and the sheer amount of people is outstanding and overwhelming. brilliant idea but just hard however you attempt it

So there is no way to implement AI into 'skirmishes' or multiplayer?. Even if its done on a platform where the player runs the script from there computer for them to join the game or something similar to friends joining on evolve of hamachi??

Well get coding the 2v2 :D i must play :D :D :D :D

Great mod once again bro :)