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SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 12:36 am
von Xander
Jak w temacie

Zamierzam instalować kolejno patche, począwszy od tych sprzed 2 lat i sprawdzać w jakich patchach, jaka jest synchra (czy wzrosła, czy spadła) a następnie pisać analize do Stucka co do sync.

Przeciętnie pare rozgrywek (głównie na Alien Base, ale zobaczy się także te nieco skomplikowane, gdzie synchra wywala na dzień dobry [Flagi]).

Szukam osób które by chętnie pomogły - jak to możliwe?
- Wystarczy dołączyć do mnie, przesłać kontakt (gg/fb/steam)

Im Więcej osób, tym szybciej się z tym uwiniemy, wszyscy którzy by chcieli wziąć w tym udział prosiłbym o zgłoszenie na PW z podanym jednym z dan kontaktowych [najbardziej preferowany steam].

Wymagania: Czas, chęć i zaangażowanie.

Trzeba spróbować wszystkiego, aby poprawić obecny sync.

We are going to install patches from 2013 to 2015 and chceck in which patch sync lost approach (more or less frequently) and wrote your reports to us.

If you want to help us just reply in this topic. Please help us and Stuck to fix the Sync Lost.

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 1:42 am
von Gelwe
Ja będę prowadził zapis naszych obserwacji które na koniec testów wyślemy do Stucuka. Testowanie MP w poszczególnych patchach pozwoli nam na znalezienie rzeczy która powoduje utratę synchronizacji, co być może doprowadzi do usunięcia tego problemu w przyszłości raz na zawsze.

EDIT: Nie szukamy trolli, liczymy na rzetelną pomoc.
W miarę możliwości proszę o informacje kiedy i podczas jakiej czynności utraciliście synchre.

The main destination of our analysis is to find the "thing" which causing sync lost,which can help to fix Sync Lost or reduce it in MP.

Aktualnie tabela wygląda tak (w swych raportach powinniście zawierać informacje które widnieją w tabeli.)
You should report your reports according to the below excel formula:

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 9:17 am
von stucuk
Everyone would need to be using the same version during a test.

I haven't tried it yet but something like DummyNet may be useful for testing OW on a single pc. Its meant to be able to simulate packet loss, etc.

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 9:27 am
von Gravitr
NOTE: Average about ~1/3 of games (with arabian player with mines) causes synchro lost because of detonating timing mines. Tested on different maps, about half of players got sync. lost after mine(s) explode.

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 1:30 pm
von Gelwe
Game nr.3
We tested arabians and everything was ok (I used everything what they can do) and sync does not appeared.
Game nr.4
The same situation, but in 13 min Nefek has used on my driver ( laser vehicle) sleeping ammo and sync got lost.


Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 1:33 pm
von Nefarem
During the game in I found bug in diplomacy window:
OpenGL 3.0

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 5:45 pm
von Gravitr
Gelwe hat geschrieben:Game nr.3
We tested arabians and everything was ok (I used everything what they can do) and sync does not appeared.
We've got it at about 3v3 or 4v4 people (games with more players). When mine exploded, some of them just felt with sync.
Gelwe hat geschrieben: Game nr.4
The same situation, but in 13 min Nefek has used on my driver ( laser vehicle) sleeping ammo and sync got lost.
We have suspicion on these sleeping ammunation too; but again, sync. come mostly often when more people playing (sync. caused by this ammo comes in about ~1/6 games with 6+ players).

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 5:48 pm
von Gelwe
On which version you have encountered this?

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 5:57 pm
von Gravitr and higher to

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 6:49 pm
von Xander
Playing with one guy, then error after 23 minutes

General Info
Application : Owarogl
Version :

ModName :
ModDir :
ModVer : (0.0)

ErrorType : Unknown
ErrorText : moc beden na hexu stav1=-1 (D:\Delphi\EXEs\Stucuks Version Control\OriginalWar\Stable\Current\prg\U_objdraw2.pas, line 514)

Exception : None

Params :
ParamCount : 0

Game Info
Multiplayer : True
Multi.GameState : Game
Multi.ChatConnLost : False
Multi.IAMServer : True
Multi.Joined : True
Multi.Loaded : True
Multi.MapVersion : 19
Multi.OffLine : False
Multi.OnLine : True
Multi.ServerLost : False
Multi.StatusText :
MultiDef.MapName : Alien base\Kill 'em all

mission_number : 0
mission_campaign : 0
game_difficulty : 2
ingame_video : False
stop_talking : False
stop_action : False
end_of_mission : 0
end_the_mission_allowed : False
dialogue_skipped : False
last_title_ident : 1767
last_title_unit : 8
last_title_radio : False
last_title :

lastSail : 6437

Random Stuff
GodMode : False
DeveloperMode : False
ModCBMode : True
OfficialMod : False
InterfSide : 1

Windows Info
Product : Windows 7
Win32MajorVersion : 6
Win32MinorVersion : 1
BuildNumber : 7601
ServicePack : Service Pack 1
ServicePackMajor : 1
ServicePackMinor : 0

Physical Memory : 4013MB
CPU Name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
CPU Clock : 2394Mhz
Current CPU Clock : 2395Mhz

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 6:59 pm
von Gelwe
Game nr.5
Just crash and throw us to lobby (just Gravitr could make SS)

Game nr.6
Game just get freeze without any warnings (lags etc)


Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 9:07 pm
von Gelwe
Game nr.7
Without any interruptions - all works fine.

Game nr.8
The same situation as game above.

We had been playing through the tunngle on 1.11 version.

Game nr.9
Sync lost after second frag.

Game nr.10
Sync lost after start fighting.


Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Mo Aug 17, 2015 9:22 pm
von Xander
We had to use tunngle, because in version 1.11.0 we cannot seen our servers.

i love english, but sometimes.... piss me. xD

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Di Aug 18, 2015 2:11 am
von stucuk
What about 1.12.8? is when backups were taken after every public release (As in any build uploaded anywhere). Before then backups were only taken when a patch was properly released (Meaning that prior to the differences between backups are alot making it harder to find causes).

P.S 1.11.0 uses OWN's master server. If the games are not listed on OWN then its due to OWN's Master server rejecting them for some reason (As in if you don't see them listed on the master server website).

Re: SYNC w OW - Ekipa analizująca [ENG + PL]

Verfasst: Di Aug 18, 2015 2:20 am
von Gelwe
stucuk hat geschrieben:What about 1.12.8? is when backups were taken after every public release (As in any build uploaded anywhere). Before then backups were only taken when a patch was properly released (Meaning that prior to the differences between backups are alot making it harder to find causes).
We are going to test this version ASAP.