Absolute Dominion

Modding, patches, etc., for anyone who speaks neither Polish nor Czech.
MODbase Moderator
Beiträge: 1108
Registriert: Sa Jan 15, 2011 8:13 pm
Wohnort: Noxus

Absolute Dominion

Beitrag von Nefarem »

Modification of Absolute Dominion shows the desire of Russia for control of the world.
To do this, they stepped back in time to protect their national good which is Alaskite .
They were aware of the presence of the Americans, but . . .

The Americans and the Russians didn't expect the appearance of the Arabs who came here to destroy the Siberite and secure the largest deposits of oil for themselves to have a monopoly on the raw material.

The modification provides two campaign and:
-New vehicles.
-The opportunity to participate in missions that are listed only in the original campaign.
-New maps.
-Meeting the characters from the original campaign.
Available languages: Polish, English, Czech
- and many others

In 2000 Russian expedition forces had found mysterious object. After many tests which were supervised by Professor Scholtze, object turned out to be a time maschine.
On the territory of Alaska they found a mineral which turned out to be a fuel for CZAPA. Unfortunately Alaska was under USA control, everything fell into place.
Russians caught on how USA became such a big world power. They decided to use CZAPA to go back in time and don’t allow Americans to seize Alaskite from their territories. If Russia will control Alaskite’s fields, it finally would be able to dominate a whole world.

Thanks for:
Serpent - For help with SAIL and share map.
Gelwe - For create new avatars and testing mod.
Terminat - For translate mod on English, correct dialogues, testing mod.
Gravitr - For translate mod on Czech.
Antitheus - For help with dialogueos , testing mod.
Szymiew - For streaming mod.
Lengorio - For testing mod.
OWChyba - For testing mod.
Required is OW Patch + !
http://www.owsupport.com/files/OWAR_201 ... .0.3.0.rar

Download 1.2v:
Download Dropbox
Download OWN
Download ModDB
Download Steam Workshop

Absolute Dominion
Modyfikacja opowiadająca historię Ivana Bierezova, żołnierza armii Rosyjskiej , weterana wojny w Chinach który wziął udział w misji ochrony złóż Alaskitu.

Download from Dropbox
Original War Cooperation
Modyfikacja umożliwiająca granie w mapach z kampanii OW i nie tylko ze znajomymi kontra AI.

Download from Steam

Download from Dropbox
Original War Dialog Editor
Program ułatwiający tworzenie plików wri z dialogami, zadaniami etc do Original War .

Site Administrator
Site Administrator
Beiträge: 96
Registriert: Fr Jan 06, 2012 1:53 pm
Wohnort: France

Re: Absolute Dominion

Beitrag von Morgan »

Hello there,
I haven't played the mod (irl exams) yet but it seems real nice.

However, some french players asked me why no dialogues and objectives were displayed. So, here's a fix :


To anyone willing to make this mod working on a french version of Original War, check out this instruction : download the .rar and then copy/paste campaigns folder inside of AbsoluteDominion's folder.

Please understand this fix does not include a french translation. The following is a To-Do list, including AbsoluteDominion :

- translation of Arabian Campaign (~15%, last update 2nd of December 2015)
- translation of OWN's website (willing to do it from scratch)
- translation of Gwren's mod (none)
- translation of AbsoluteDominion (none)

Translating Original War's contents in french requires a lot of time as only one person is working on this project (me) and since I'm always working on projects that need me to pay less attention to translations.

The one month break of 19th of December to 18th of January may boost the translation project and give us the opportunity to complete most of ArabianCampaign's translation.
MODbase Moderator
Beiträge: 1108
Registriert: Sa Jan 15, 2011 8:13 pm
Wohnort: Noxus

Re: Absolute Dominion

Beitrag von Nefarem »

I added, thank you.
Absolute Dominion
Modyfikacja opowiadająca historię Ivana Bierezova, żołnierza armii Rosyjskiej , weterana wojny w Chinach który wziął udział w misji ochrony złóż Alaskitu.

Download from Dropbox
Original War Cooperation
Modyfikacja umożliwiająca granie w mapach z kampanii OW i nie tylko ze znajomymi kontra AI.

Download from Steam

Download from Dropbox
Original War Dialog Editor
Program ułatwiający tworzenie plików wri z dialogami, zadaniami etc do Original War .
