Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por McBenn »

Meneva escribió:So i must missed them. Btw very good work McBenn but i think that mission is too short as one of missions ended campaign.
Thank you thank you :D
Yeah we kinda get that a lot. I can't think of a reasonable way to lenghten it. Our missions tend to be short but compact. Btw out of curiosity: How long did you take to complete the mission and on what difficulty?
mattin111 escribió:I think he spent much time to write the code for the American Base. Its so much work there.
Actually it uses our standard AI I developed back in mission 04 (enhanced a bit, though), so that didn't take much time. Handling all the choices the player has was a bit more complex.
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Antitheus »

Hi. I'm glad to see the new mission and I'll start working on the stuff soon enough (polonisation, facebook support etc). Work connected with holidays is not a comfortable setup ;/
McBenn escribió: Yeah we kinda get that a lot. I can't think of a reasonable way to lengthen it.
I haven't seen the mission jet but you can do exactly what the Altar did - increase the time of crate spawning or just cut the amount of crates a bit (you can add the specific spawning areas); increase the time between backups arrival or just add some random encounters with the Americans.
Btw. Original campaign missions are also kinda short - OW is a time trial (most of the time). You must do some things before the AI crush you (eg. in 14th Am mission - it's length is an illusion (lack of manpower): if you don't fortify and destroy Russian cargo bay - you would be broken because of escalating Russian offensive).
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Registrado: Sab Jun 30, 2012 12:10 am

Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Meneva »

I complete mission i 15 min in normal mode. Fast attack from west with soldiers and
mine-throwers crush american base. I missed only american reinforcements. I think our reinforcements is too big and too fast and Genshers attack should by a little bigger and in waves. But the whole mission is preety coll and give me much fun. I'we do it one more time in hard mode in free time.
Sorry 4 my english :D
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Nefarem »

Whether they texture ? Because some of the maps do not have textures :(
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por McBenn »

Sweet :)
About mission length: Ye you can always just delay stuff but that just seems artificial :S

Damn you people always surprise me! I barely made it in 1 hour when I tested on medium difficulty. And btw that's why you never see the reinforcements - you crush the Americans before they arrive at all. Hm but you shouldn't be informed about any reinforcements then...
You attacked with mortars from the south or the north?
I'll increase the time before you receive reinforcements and make Gensher's attacks a little more intense.

IIRC missions 09, 12a and 13a need a GBI (and some missions could use a better one). We haven't got anyone "employed" to create those so we depend on random people making them (e.g. Serpent and Morphid).
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Registrado: Sab Jun 30, 2012 12:10 am

Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Meneva »

I lerned about reinforcements during awarding medals. I put base on south east(where was small american institution and attack. Few soilders put bombs and mine throwers destroy buildings and vehicles. I blow up laboratory and workshop 2 times, kill few people. The rebuild laboratory so i kill some people. Then american sciencist escape and blow up their lab so i kill all. Next all staff escape so u now what i must to do :) After that i see that something attack my monkeys in barrack, so i go there with my small army and kill mercenarys. When i getting medals i dotn get last one because i didint kill american reinforcements (what reinforcements :arwtf: ) ? I do it all in 10-20 min.
American base is too weak on south and north. Few mans can do massacre there.
And few soliders 3-4 vehicles is too weak on posse chace, whatever we have many people under command.
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por McBenn »

Well you did hear a dialogue about approaching American reinforcements, right? And a clock ticking in the upper right corner of the screen? The only way you can get the "You haven't stopped the reinforcements"-medal is if at least one of the reinforcements reach the area of the American main base.
You are sure that was medium difficulty? Sounds like easy to me and that is really easy.
Damn I would wish I had recordings of what you guys/girls do when you play the missions. Would make my life so much easier.
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Registrado: Sab Jun 30, 2012 12:10 am

Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Meneva »

Im not sure Ive seen clock and that dialouge. We have many man under command. 3 medisc, fewsoliders with bombs and rest with mine throwers was just op. I thing that mine trhrower is the best hand-weapon in this game, it is somethig middle the sniprer gun and bazooka.
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Antitheus »

My work on the translation is done. You can find it in the attachment. Sorry for delay but i was fighting with my Windows 8 (+ summer holiday work).

Btw. can you ask Stu on OWS if he could reset my password and change my e-mail adress into [email protected] ? New system = new browser = 99 problems with my memory.
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por McBenn »

Nice work :) Uploaded it is.
Windows 8 argh :S Another proof that just because things are new they aren't necessarily better.
Summer holiday? What planet are you on :arrazz:

I've forwarded your request to Stu.

Btw mission 14 will probably be delayed. I've volunteered to fix a bunch of bugs in the original campaigns. Dunno how long it will take.
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por pomek »

Jak tam kampania?:D
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Kung Führer
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Antitheus »

Sama kampania ma się świetnie.

Póki co na bieżąco wychodzą poprawki i usprawnienia (patrz dział kampanii i temat Changelog). Post wyżej McBenn napisał, że zajmuje się naprawą bugów w oryginalnej kampanii i nie wie ile mu to zajmie - należy się zwrócić do niego z pytaniem o progres prac nad 14 misja :P
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por pomek »

Poprawione są już te mapy i dialogi? Bo pół roku temu to mapa (np z AR10) to była masakra.

Nie chce mi sie przebijac przez caly temat. Powiedz mi, jak jest rozwiazane przejscie 11 misji - mozna przejsc do legionu, czy zostac z arabami... I jesli tak, to jak wygladac bedzie legion?
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Kung Führer
Kung Führer
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Registrado: Jue Ene 04, 2007 9:45 pm
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por Antitheus »

Legion już wygląda :P tu masz proponowaną fabułę: http://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=3351 . Rzecz jasna plany ulegają ciągłej modyfikacji - trafne sugestie fanów zostają w krótkim czasie zaimplementowane. Mapy (od misji 9 - nie licząc misji 10 i 11) nie mają niestety jeszcze nałożonych tekstur - nie przeszkadza to zbytnio w grze - skrypty są pięknie dopracowane. Misja 12 Legionu przypomina bliźniacze misje przymierza - Am i Ru - zbieramy oddziały i uciekamy (przejście jej może być kłopotliwe). W misji 13 budujemy bazę główną i staramy się przerwać amerykański projekt badań nad syberytem - misja obfituje w mini-zdarzenia i nie można się imho przy niej nudzić. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc zmieniło się wiele - od zachowania AI, aż po aspekty fabularne i balans sił - za dużo by opisywać - https://bitbucket.org/Radzio/arabiancam ... ommits/all
Ar10 to oryginalna mapa kampanii (polujesz na Gossudarova).
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Re: Oficjalna Kampania Arabska

Mensaje por $ushiWIR »

Kampania Arabska - pierwsze oficjalne DLC do Oryginal War i to darmowe <3 hehehehe :D
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