Original War in the press

[ České novinky ]

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The Great Uniter & Site Administrator
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Original War in the press

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A new article has been added to the website: Original War in the press.

Influenced by memories, I would like to show how over the years, the ratings given to the game "Original War" have changed in different countries. Starting from the first game announcements at E3 2000, through Beta Tests, to the final product available on store shelves, the reviews of "Original War" have changed a lot. Depending on the country, the game had very diverse ratings. That's why today, especially for you, I have collected all the reviews that have appeared on popular websites, well-known magazines, and the awards that have been given to the game. I recommend tracking how the ratings given by individual magazines have changed over time. Short excerpts from reviews are quoted in the original language. Full versions of the articles can be found in the mentioned magazines or websites.