[EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Dział poświęcony projektowi Arabian Campaign

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Rejestracja: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

[EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: McBenn »

Ideas and suggestions to the pro-Arabian part of mission 12-15 goes here. For my own selfish reasons I would prefer if you write in English but if you don't feel like that then just go ahead in whatever language you prefer. My hope is that someone will translate it then.

My own thoughts:
- At some point The Alliance destroys New Kaaba (and frees Gossudarov if the player captured him in mission 10). Abdul is killed in the process leaving Omar as High Commander.
- Mastodont taming.
- Development and test of siberite decay technology.
- If you cooperated with the traitors in mission 10? With Gensher?
- If you let the Russian prisoners go in mission 10?
- Paul Khattam? Accepted/rejected in mission 11?
- Artifacts?

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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Antitheus »

- If Omar will be a High Commander, we should find a good reason to put him under Heike command during the mission in se. Heike can rescue him from an ambush etc.
- Promotion of Omar makes an opportunity for "in command changes". Omar can promote "his" people for each rank. Eg. Gensher can be placed under Heike's command.
- Ethnic, nor leadership cases are not important for Paul. He's with Arabs because of his religion. He should be against killing his brothers in faith (eg. he will complain if Omar orders you to pursue renegades or try to persuade you to let them live). Although the service in American army created his specific point of view; he's innovate, kinda liberal and he knows the USA research program (we can let our imagination run wild and say that he had reveal Americas nuclear program and place, where siberitum bomb will be tested).
- Arabians should ignore Artifacts or they should be searching for a way to destroy it. They can find a simple way to use it in a short range, but after that Artifacts, as Siberite' product, should be destroyed.

Sorry for my incompetence but I'm having problems with my Internet connection and OWS is running slow for me. Can you outline the m. 12-15 story (fragmentarily)?
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Rejestracja: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: McBenn »

- Does Heike necessarily have to be High Commander to have Omar under her command? Omar could just give Heike a great deal of authority because he trusts her, kinda splitting the command between them.
- Absolutely possible.
- You got a point there. Hehe ya Khattam does open possibilities, doesn't he? :P
- Agree, agree. According to the Arabs in the end also the artifacts should be destroyed, but I guess siberite is top priority, so if they do get their hands on artifacts it's probably because they stumble upon them rather than searching for them.

OWS is frustratingly slow for me too. It's probably the server.
Altar give no hints to the contents of mission 12-15. Only that in the last mission Heike and Omar destroy the siberite motherlode and what the outro should look like.
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Kung Führer
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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Antitheus »

- Giving Heike the top rank wasn't my point [language barriers :( ] (she can get it in the last mission like McMillan). IMHO, player should get control over Omar under some circumstances eg.:

Code: Select all

<Heike rescued Omar:>
Omar: "You're great commander, Heike. You have a great knowledge about battlefield. It'll be safer if you'll command this operation".
<Heike gained temporary leadership in the mission>
I don't know how next missions would look like but on the other hand Omar presence isn't necessary; Heike could be commander of other sheiks (under Omar).
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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Matt_lublin »

Here's my proposal on future misssions for Arab side from http://forum.stucuk.net/viewtopic.php?f ... 6&start=30

Code: Select all

- Mission 12
Sheikh Abdul orders to capture at least one Russian siberite lab. When Heike and her team arrive near Russian base they soon discover that it is under siege made by AM forces. If Americans make succesful breakthrough they will destroy the labs (Russians have two siberite and time-space labs). Heike has to slow down AM offensive (i.e. using mines and kamikadze-trained apemen). After you capture lab you have to wait a couple of time to find the information about Siberite research (so you have to defend the labs).
Medals: both RU labs captured; AM base destroyed; new technology discovered (kamikadze? bio-detection?)
- Mission 13
Sheiks want to know how to destroy the Siberite. They send Heike and her team to establish research base. Soon after they set up the base and build some structures Legion scouts are discovered. The main goal is to contaminate one Siberite deposit, so the player can do it by destroying his own mine or during/after assault on Legion base (defended by Farmer - he could arrive a bit later and then i.e. call for reinforcements). When mine is destroyed someone informs about heavy assault on New Kaaba and mission ends.
Medals: Farmer killed; Legion base destroyed; Legion mine contaminated
- Mission 14
New Kaaba is besieged by the Alliance (map from mission 13a) and Abdul is dead. You have to defend the base and repeal the Alliance. Using your terrorist tactics :roll: (kamikadze apemen and "car bomb" vehicles you have to force the enemy to submit. During the mission you get an information about Gensher - he was killed by sudden Russian attack when he was finishing Legion base. When most of their base is destroyed they offer you unconditional surrender of their forces (I'm not sure what about Gossudarov; if he had been captured in mission 10 he could be executed by Abdul when New Kaaba was put in danger). If you accept it you could offer them some kind of cease fire pact and make an alliance with the Alliance :lol: in the final battle.
Medals: No (or not so heavy) losses; Macmillan killed; Burlak killed
- Mission 15
At last, the final battle. Your only main goal is to destroy the Motherlode. Soon after your arrival intel says that main deposit is occupied by Russians defending it against AM, Legion and Alliance. If you spared lifes of Roth and his crew in mission 14, you can (if you want) ally with them in order to destroy the Siberite and end the war (if you killed them in previous mision, they will be weaker but allied with Legion - and Legion could be weaker if Farmer is dead; if he's alive, he commands the base).
Medals: Legion base destroyed; AM base destroyed; threat from the Alliance eliminated (by destroying them or forming an alliance)
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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Xander »

Nie zapominajmy że w Amerykańskiej kampani, po misji z Epsilonem, Amerykańce zaatakowali i zniszczyli 3 bazy arabskie i przejęli artefakt. Planujecie to jakoś wsadził w fabułę w ProAR?
Creative wrote:Chodziło mi o to że sam przerabiam zrobione mapy. (budynki, ludki itd)
A co do saila to przecież sam muszę wklejać.

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Kung Führer
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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Antitheus »

Fabuła pro arabów nie jest jeszcze dokładnie zaplanowana. Wątpię, że będziemy powielać mapy z oryginalnej kampanii (moim zdaniem wyczerpaliśmy już limit). Wszystko jest do uzgodnienia z McBenn'em ale myślę, że ważniejsze będzie np wykończenie Przymierza, zmagania z dezerterami, czy też przejęcie władzy przez Heike (w końcu Burłak i Macmillan stają się głównodowodzącymi, a Heike musi znaleźć rozwiązanie aby wybić się przed szejków i możliwe objąć nad nimi dowództwo).

Zauważ również, że choć w Kampaniach powielają się pewne motywy (np oblężenie Lenina, czy też przejęcie bazy Ovsjenki lub rozpad Ekspedycji) to historia jest zupełnie inna - gracz ingeruje w fabułę, stąd takie pomniejsze kwestie przedstawiają się inaczej.
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Rejestracja: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:48 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Xander »

a cele arabów w misji finałowej pozostanie taki sam? - zatruć złoże syberytu / zniszczyć?
Creative wrote:Chodziło mi o to że sam przerabiam zrobione mapy. (budynki, ludki itd)
A co do saila to przecież sam muszę wklejać.

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Kung Führer
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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Antitheus »

Tak. Notatki altaru są jednoznaczne - Heike i Omar zatruwają złoże i giną.

My proposition for the missions 12-14:
Spoiler: 12
The Wild Game
Intro - map from the Alliance 13th
New Kaaba is under serious siege from the Alliance forces. While Sheikhs are overseeing the retreat Gensher and his man are trying to defend the base. It's certain they won't last long. Then a scientists intercept Alliance message - The priority for the Alliance is to get all of the artifacts. JMM and Gorki went looking for one, that was hidden during their escape from the main bases. If their main commanders will be captured or placed in danger, the Alliance offensive will be melted. Heike and her small squad is departing from the northern side of the base (the some of the "emergency vehicles" placed beyond the northern forest).

JMM is driving the cargo bay, while Gorki sits in heavy vehicle armed with rocket launcher. Some of their soldiers are guarding them. Heike and her troops must intercept the Alliance from getting the artifact - then locate it and take to the Arabian base.
The Arabian vehicles are faster than ones, used by your enemy. Heike gets to the targeted area faster than her opponents. It's the time for setting the hidden cameras and placing mines - she don't have enough firepower, so it must be done carefully. Maybe she could build small support base. One of the lower rank sheikhs is with her (he can tame the tigers - another smart trap). Player is going to use the forces of the nature - swamps, hills, apemens and tigers. After JMM and Gorki is captured (their man are killed and vehicles destroyed) and taken into provisional base, Heike begins to interrogate them - Legion appears.
They're a bit late, but it's sure they're hired by Powell or Platonov (or both). Their goal is to get JMM and Gorki dead or alive.
Hunt or be hunted. Heike is the prey now. You must get the artifact - and then, somehow escape the area (some UPF man are escorting them). But when you're about to leave the area Abdul and Omar appears. They wanted a honorable revenge by executing JMM and Gorki by themselves. They're spawned in the danger area - surrounded by the Legion. You must be fast enough to break Legion blocade and rescue them - the time of your "rescue mission" determines how many of the sheikhs will survive (medal but if Omar is killed "you lose") - but the Abdul is killed. Omar promotes you to the rank of general and gives you free hand in deciding about the military operations (Abdul was their "face" in this conflict). You must decide if you want to kill JMM and Gorki or let them live.
Spoiler: 13
The Ghost
Map from Alliance 13 - The New Kaaba terrain - the base is "packed" into the cargo bays. Arabian forces are ready to depart. Alliance leaders are negotiating with Omar and Heike.
The Alliance offensive is stopped (or they're confused by JMM and Gorki death, or JMM and Gorki told them to hold their fire). They agree to unconditional surrender and help with localization of the motherlode in exchange of the artifacts. Omar agrees, but lies about Arabian goal. He's telling them he don't want the siberite to be destroyed (it was only Abdul's goal - he wants the siberite for the Arabian countries and promised a huge cut for the Alliance.
Gensher is grieving. He wants Farmer dead and it's sure he and the whole UPF won't be loyal if you forbid them revenge. The Legion lair is located - you, Gensher and his forces (under your command) and some of your man departing in order to stopping Farmer. Omar is responsible for finding the place for New Kaaba (will be located near the motherlode - like in 14th Russian mission).

The Legion lair - 3 bases - different tasks.
1. Base is the scout outpost. Low defenses, the least loyal man to Farmer. It's the base that Heike could capture. Some of their "Legion" friends will try to join her but may react different seeing Gensher. They don't know where farmer is. Telling you about 2 more bases.
2. Research base - low defenses but surrounded by forest (you can capture it only by your man) - new types of weapon - bombs and kamikaze monkeys. Got some snipers. Heike could meet her scientist friends, who could join her - Mark would share with her his knowledge about biodetection. They think Farmer is in command in the 3rd base.
3. Main base, military one -tight defenses - got some Russian support - bazookers with special ammo. Gordon is in charge of it. If you let Russian prisoners go in 10th mission, they'll give up really soon. If you betrayed Gordon in 10th mission -during your attack some of the man from 1st base may betray you. After taking the base - Gordon's telling you the Farmer is hard to close by. He left the base with some of his man and ordered preparation of high developed forces (man force, vehicles + technology). He's in service of the Russians (strongest side of the conflict) and he's going to intercept American nuclear project (explaining Legion presence in 13th American mission). Gordon and his man are killed by Gensher.
Spoiler: 14
Big Boy (paraphrase from "Little boy")
Heike is talking with Omar by the radio. The Alliance has their job done - they've tracked the siberite motherlode. Omar begins the preparations. Heike with help from the former Legion forces - has tracked the Farmer.
Heike is seeing Farmer forces attacking the american base. She ordered some reinforcements but Omar's telling about the Russian siege of "New" New Kaaba. She must get the American documents before Farmer or stop Farmer first. During the game she realizes the fact, that Americans are mining extra siberite for the bomb (siberite contamination quest). If you're to slow - bang! from the siberite bomb
After being near of the American laboratory Farmer's telling her he already got the documents (thanks to spy in the American base). He's going to use it on his own (he worked with Russians and made Kuzmov work with him) - goal: stop Farmer.
Destroying Farmer's base at first would be physically impossible (forests):
After getting into Legion base it's clear that Farmer's heading into motherlode area. Heike is always two steps behind him. Omar survived the Russian attack but it was impossible to him to prepare the attack.
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Rejestracja: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: McBenn »

Interesting plots. I'll read it through more carefully after I've finished my exams next friday.
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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: jarmok »

Mission 12
Spoiler: Mission 12
Alliance question(working title, pretty cheap) : It start at New Kaaba, Aviraze is researching artefact with involuntary help from prof.Gossudarov and Paul Chattam (if he was allowed to join). Abdul first orders Gensher to hunt down Farmer, then he sends Heike to bring another artefact from base on Muddy river, where it is not safe. Before leaving Heike talks to Omar about safety of the base, but he replies that both Russians and Americans are focused on making siberite bomb and won't waste time on attacking base this isolated.
So Heike takes 5 people and drives to Muddy River.
Now it continues at map AM11. When she arrives in the base in north-east, she is informed that Americans under JMM captured two of their bases and artefact. It looks like payback for Epsilon. First you have to defend this base from attack. After that you have to destroy base in north-west, which would be protected by time lapser towers. This would be suprise. There is no sign of artefact, so you attack base in the south-west. When you destroy this base, JMM will be escaping with artefact, you will try to stop him but suddenly Russian tanks will arrive and both them and JMM vehlicle will turn green and he will escape. Then Omar will call you that Russians are attacking and it is Gorki himself.
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Rejestracja: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: McBenn »

Also a fine way to start out the Pro-Arab part. I've been considering doing something with AM11 too :P Different from Antitheus's proposal but they can be merged so this outline for mission 12 would be used instead of Antitheus's idea. We'll look into it when the time comes for these missions :)
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Rejestracja: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:36 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Nicollo »

Nie wyrażę tego po angielsku, tak jak po polsku :D

Mam pomysł na zakończenie kampanii. Dlaczego gracz nie ma mieć wyboru? Myślałem o tym, by po pokonaniu nieprzyjaciół Heike musiała wybrać, czy zniszczą główne złoże, czy postanowią wykorzystać je dla siebie. Przecież Heike nie została z Arabami z powodu chęci zniszczenia syberytu, to był jej rozkaz, ale skoro dowódca zginie... Coś jakby z 1 misji kampanii amerykańskiej. John może wejść do Eon'a (dobry wybór) lub zrezygnować (zostaje z Joan, ale ma to katastrofalne skutki). Podobnie byłoby tu. Oba wybory kończyły by misję zwycięstwem, ale byłyby 2 cutscenki. 1. Heike i Omar zatruwają złoże i umierają (powiedzmy jakiś żołnierz opisywałby, jakie to przyniosło skutki) i 2. Heike postanawia tego nie robić i dobre zakończenie :D

Z góry dziękuję za przetłumaczenie ;)
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Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: Pawlo »

Nicollo wrote:Nie wyrażę tego po angielsku, tak jak po polsku :D

Mam pomysł na zakończenie kampanii. Dlaczego gracz nie ma mieć wyboru? Myślałem o tym, by po pokonaniu nieprzyjaciół Heike musiała wybrać, czy zniszczą główne złoże, czy postanowią wykorzystać je dla siebie. Przecież Heike nie została z Arabami z powodu chęci zniszczenia syberytu, to był jej rozkaz, ale skoro dowódca zginie... Coś jakby z 1 misji kampanii amerykańskiej. John może wejść do Eon'a (dobry wybór) lub zrezygnować (zostaje z Joan, ale ma to katastrofalne skutki). Podobnie byłoby tu. Oba wybory kończyły by misję zwycięstwem, ale byłyby 2 cutscenki. 1. Heike i Omar zatruwają złoże i umierają (powiedzmy jakiś żołnierz opisywałby, jakie to przyniosło skutki) i 2. Heike postanawia tego nie robić i dobre zakończenie :D

Z góry dziękuję za przetłumaczenie ;)
Why the player would have not choice? I was thinking about it, that after disposing of enemies Heike would have to make a choice, destroy main siberite lode or use it for her own intent. In fact, Heike hasn't stayed with Arabians because she had a desire to destroying siberite, it was operation order but if leader is dying... Similar to 1st american campaign mission. John have opportunity to enter the Eon (a good choice) or not (the bad one ;d) (he stays with Joan, but it has disastrous effects). End of this mission would have similar choice. Both of them would be a victory, there'd be 2 cutscenes. At first one Heike and Omar are contaminating the lode and dies (let's say that some soldier would be describing consequences of their activities) and the second one that Heike doesn't do that (contaminating the lode) and good ending (fiucking happy end ; dd - my interposition)
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Rejestracja: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] Missions 12-15 pro-Arab

Post autor: McBenn »

Good thing we always have people willing to translate :)

Hm not entirely true. Destroying the siberite was the original purpose of going back in time but that's not why Heike (maybe) stays with the Arab instead of joining Legion. The cutscene before you have to make that choice makes it clear. Omar no longer wants to destroy the siberite because he was told to but because he believes its existence will only lead to pain and suffering. Mankind can't handle this mineral. It can be used for good but there will always be the people that will abuse it for more sinister purposes. If Heike agrees with this philosophy she stays with the Arabs inevitably leading to contaminating the motherlode (and dying in the process). If she believes mankind can change, can harness the power of siberite for other purposes than war, she joins Legion who intends to seize control of the motherlode as everyone else.