Ventrilo & TeamSpeak & Mumble

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Ventrilo & TeamSpeak & Mumble

Beitrag von YuriStriatov »

In response to community demand, we have started offering a range of popular VoIP services for Original War players. They are currently being offered as a test to see if they will be used and whether our server can handle it. There's a big chance that we may cut down to just one of those services depending on which is most popular.

Each of the servers is currently set up to have channels for different national communities: Polish Channel, English Channel, French Channel, Czech & Slovak Channel.

The front page currently displays the status for the Ventrilo server, but Mumble and TS3 displays will be available soon.

The Teamspeak server currently has max capacity set at 32 people, while Ventrilo and Mumble are set to 50. You can join them using the following addresses:

Ventrilo 2.1.4 - [url]ventrilo://[/url]
TeamSpeak 3 - [url]ts3server://[/url]
Mumble - [url]mumble://[/url]
Ventrilo 3.0.3- [url]ventrilo://[/url]

If you have any suggestions or problems, post on our forums.

Ventrilo in version 3.0.3 has been already running, but free version is very limited (max 8 clients on the server :roll:). Also VT 3.0.3 must be setting up on default port: 3784, so VT 2.1.4 has been moved to 3785 port.
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Re: Ventrilo & TeamSpeak & Mumble

Beitrag von Mari »

Really professional support I think that not many games can boast of that amount of communicators.
Problem is in an small activity because support really care about players, in case that there are new patches, IRC, 2 forums(means ownet and ow support), Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrillo(etc.)
Probably support can emphasise on education of players because there are many newbie players who cannot show good level of playing, but it depends rather on their will. You cannot force to play like a pro, but academy of ow conducted by Gothuk worked in good way.
It is not a case of that there is no tutorials, but maybe mark some people as helper and can train with newbie players, there are many ways to make the level of playing very high.
Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. 1 Kor 3,16-23