Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILER]

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Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILER]

Post by zoNE »

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English dubbing and subtitles:
Polish dubbing and english subtitles:
French dubbing and english subtitles:
Czech dubbing and english subtitles:
Spanish dubbing and english subtitles:
German dubbing and english subtitles:
Last edited by zoNE on Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by stucuk »

You do realise that if you make Trailer's that are not in English you limit the amount of people that can understand it? If you want the world to watch it then you need to make videos with english as thats what the majority of the world speaks as a second language.

Putting non-english videos in the English sections news is pointless (People who speak English normally do French/German as a secondary language and generally don't pay attention at school in those classes). If you want to spread OW's appeal then you need to think global not just Polish/Czech.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by Markok »

Stucuk: zoNE didn't forget about that, You have english subtitles everywhere :D
Personally I think that in "wealthy countries" old games aren't supported that much by the players like in "poor countries", You have plenty of new games (for us expensive, very expensive..), who would turn his eyes on poor good old games, not working properly for many people, where You have to repair/start it by Yourself, looking for players on the West has no sense, it's waste of time. There aren't even few western players playing frequently and it will not change, never.
East is better possibility, but I'm pretty sure no one from us can pronounce even one word in russian :D
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by stucuk »

Markok wrote:Stucuk: zoNE didn't forget about that, You have english subtitles everywhere :D
Which gives the impression that Original War is a game that only has english subtitles. I didn't even bother to look at the subtitles when i heard it wasn't in english and alot of peope would do the same.

The simple point that i am making is that if you want to appeal to the masses they have to understand it. Subtitles will not have people rushing to buy a game thats in a language they don't understand. English is the language that most people in the world can speak.

Most videos released by the community are in Czech or Polish. What that means is that anyone coming from Steam from a country other than the two won't understand them. So they are less likley to contribute in some way like make a mod cos they can't understand a video on sail for example thats not in a language they speak.

Markok wrote:Personally I think that in "wealthy countries" old games aren't supported that much by the players like in "poor countries"
Original War is only mainly Polish/Czech because practically no one outside the two countries heard of Original War before it was on Steam (Virgin Interactive screwed it up). Those who did most didn't stay around for long because of the fact that hardly anyone was willing to speak English. When people are speaking a language that you don't understand even when your in the same lobby as them then your not going to get involved cos you can't.

I for example never bothered with the IRC lobby for that very reason. Id join the lobby and only if people directly wanted to ask me a question would they speak english. Otherwise they would exclude me from any conversations by switching back to Polish/Czech. Even though they were talking about me as id see my name in their conversation.

If OWN only wants to appeal to two countries on the planet then continue as you have done for years. Its worked so far with the only forums here that have any activity being the Polish and Czech ones. When you exclude people based on language you will never get a global audience (OWN is Segregated, its not Inclusive).
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by Antitheus »

Yeah, Stucuk - you've got the point. I'm trying to play games in English only. I can count the exceptions from that rule on the fingers of one hand (e.g. Witcher, which English dialogues are much more poorer - but well played). But I've never heard such shallow and dull lines, like in EN version of OW. They aren't performed at all. I can't even find any sparkle of acting there (same in German version).
You're right, that for promoting OW we should record some good quality English vids, but in my opinion - not in this form, as we record more spoken lines, the more of bad impression we leave. Just gameplay + some description.

And about leaving OWN only for Poles and Czechs or Slovaks. It's not true. Not a bit of it. I'm aware of the fact, that most of us are quite behind the native speakers, but we're trying as hard as we can. Why foreign people won't post on OWN? Because its international forums are so low in content and so out of date, that they would not bother posting here. And in combination with numerous Polish posts, which they can't and won't understand, OWN's form seems to be unattractive or just repulsive. Most of them have never heard about OWN anyway - just sticking to Steam community forums. We're publishing our FB and Steam fanpages in EN only, we're trying to develop our international community as vastly as we can, but in comparison with ardor of our fellow countrymen and our neighbors, it's worth almost nothing. The OWN administration won't and can't fuel the community. They should be doing so itself. We're far from the Internet communities 'critical mass'.

And Markok, Poland may be still far behind blacks in its development, but at least we can afford a good gaming machines and legal games. What's the main difference between us and UK? In UK everyone is not trying to screw you on your every step. It's rather a mark of times - OW is too "requiring" for the younglings.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by stucuk »

I personally don't see a problem with the Audio. Its kinda like Hollywood's 80's movies.
Antitheus wrote:The OWN administration won't and can't fuel the community. They should be doing so itself. We're far from the Internet communities 'critical mass'.
OWN is the only group thats left standing. OWS is just rearly me and i don't have the time or skills to do videos for example (I suck at talking on a mic, never satisfied and screw up alot).

I am not saying OWN should do anything at all. But when you first announced the OWN Videos via e-mails sent out it gave the impression you wanted to reach the largest audience. Then one of the first things that was released after the announcement was only in Czech with a guy talking about SAIL. There isn't even some crap Youtube subtitles.

I have noticed that your own personal videos were all in English and thats good for reaching out to the Steam community. But if you want them to contribute to modding you can't have the most important videos (SAIL) in a language that they can't understand. At the very least they need to have subtitles in English (You can add them to the video some where in the "Creator Studio" bit of Youtube) and preferably be completely done in English (Since Polish/Czech are likely to understand English) with Polish/Czech subtitles.
Antitheus wrote:What's the main difference between us and UK?
The UK has more Polish. Bad Joke but also kinda true.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by Antitheus »

We're getting closer to the main issue here - the time. Most of us are older than 22-25 y.o (or so). I know it's obvious but nowadays releasing one or two vids is a large piece of austerities and a huge success for the community. I'm a member of a team of so called fan-translators and trust me, translating the shortest out of possible articles is taking lots of time. Even with a good skill. Polish is considered one of the most difficult languages of the world - not without a reason - it can be tough to learn and use even for some Poles (most of them I'd say) :). Plus, adjusting the timing of the subtitles in 30 minute video, plus updating the video etc. etc. We could have it done when we were younger but who had a big picture in his head those days.

I was thinking about translating it one day, but to be honest, when doing something professional-like I'd rather to feel firm in it. I haven't spoke with native speaker for a long time and I'm kinda afraid that my translation may look worst than a Hindi English-spoken movie. I don't like sounding like an idiot. I'm better in translating EN into PL when I've got enough time for doing so (I'm talking about written text only).

The best solution for this problem is a active community, which is eager to take over some of responsibilities from your shoulders. And only pro bono publicio. Quite a challenge here :). I will see if I would find some time. Totally forgot about translating it.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by stucuk »

To get an active community you need to be an active community. People respond to other peoples work. Its a catch 22.

P.S Your English is perfectly fine. Its better than some who only know English.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by zoNE »


English dubbing and subtitles :):

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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by stucuk »

:arhello: :arhello: :arhello: :arhello: :arhello: :arhello:
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by Szymiew »

Nice! I guess you had to put a lot of work into recording all the dialogues.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by Markok »

Polish actors gave their hearts into making polish voices, they are an art, as we can hear here, for english ones it was just next work..
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by stucuk »

Markok wrote:Polish actors gave their hearts into making polish voices, they are an art, as we can hear here, for english ones it was just next work..
I still don't see whats wrong with it. Its like an 80's movie.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by MrMentor »

stucuk wrote:
Markok wrote:Polish actors gave their hearts into making polish voices, they are an art, as we can hear here, for english ones it was just next work..
I still don't see whats wrong with it. Its like an 80's movie.
English actors are emotionless. It's just said properly but without 'this thing'.
For other games usually is like Polish - meh, English - wow. But in OW Polish actors gave their best.
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Re: Original War: The Best PC Strategy Game [GAMEPLAY TRAILE

Post by stucuk »

I wouldn't say its emotionless, its done like a caricature where the voices are exagerated.
- Stu
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