[EN] General bug reporting

Dział poświęcony projektowi Arabian Campaign

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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение Nefarem »

I don't like a few things when it comes to 15 mission of the Legion.
1. Alliance snipers shoot in vehicles, remotely-controlled, it's better that there place soldiers.
2. Omar imparted to add dialogue as he dies in the end, the Arabs are the most talk before his death.
3. The Arabs have unlimited scientists to send to contamination siberite?
4. I suggest when player capture enemy labolatory then capture enemy technology for example russian bazook , american sniper or american heavy gun is enable for player.
5. It might be a good idea to make Alliance make some attack vehicles insteal of just sitting there and repairing their defences.

And so after that, it's very cool mission.
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ArCamp Developer
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Зарегистрирован: Вт сен 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение McBenn »

1. Let me see if I understand you correctly: You think the soldiers in the Alliance barracks should be soldiers instead of snipers because soldiers are more efficient against the remotely controlled vehicles the Americans attack with?

2. Ehm, sorry?

3. Yeah... This is one of the cases where you have to make a compromise between the story and the gameplay. Storywise it's a little ridiculous they have that many people to sacrifice but it keeps the player on his/her toes having to keep the Arabs from contaminating the motherlode all the time. Ar03 is perhaps a better example: Tons of Americans pouring in, and just to capture back an insignificant base. But there isn't much of a choice if the player must be challenged.

4. I like this one. Since it's the last mission it makes sense and I don't think it's gonna upset the balance.

5. It was an intentional decision that Alliance never attacks anyone - they are trying to make people stop fighting.
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ArCamp Developer
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Зарегистрирован: Вт июл 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение 0dd1 »

1. It does make more sense to fight Americans with soldiers, but consider that these snipers can also defend against players mortars. It makes destroying the Alliance in the beginning a bit trickier. If you do make the change, I think it should only be during an American attack.

2. The dialogue line you added was only in English wri. In Polish Omar (and Joan) still dies silently. I can fix this.

4. I don't see much point in bazookas, since the player already has the mortars (unless you want to mess around with space/time amunition). Don't think you should enable the time lapsers, since this would make the artifact tech less worthy of pursuing, if you can disable all lapsers so easily. Regular stuff like hg and Russian rocket would indeed add to the diversity of this mission.
Do it!
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ArCamp Developer
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Зарегистрирован: Вт сен 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение McBenn »

1. That was the reason for going with the snipers in the first place.

2. Aha, ty. I deliberately only add new lines in the English version because then the compare tool can spot places needing to be translated.

4. I went for bazookers, snipers and heavy guns. I think other more nation specific techs would push the balance too much and perhaps encourage the player to play "Russian"- or "American"-style instead of Arabian.
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Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение tomek795 »

(Błędy występowały na modzie Hack Mod możliwe, że nie występują w normalnej kampanii, bądź zostały już naprawione)

15 AM, Na zakończenie każdej misji, wszystkie postacie dostawały ode mnie bonus do mechaniki co za skutkowało rozwaleniem wieżyczek i bomb arabów, co w rezultacie spowodowało bezprzyczynowy wybuch fabryki Powella.
2 RUS Jeżeli zdecydujemy się jednak nie zawieść pierwszego czołu go bazy im Kirowa, nasz kochany Biełkow rzuca się pod bunkry amerykanów.
3 RUS Zbyt szybkie zbudowanie pojazdów przyspiesza decyzję o ataku na Omikron.
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ArCamp Developer
Сообщения: 509
Зарегистрирован: Вт сен 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение McBenn »

This is the section for the Arabian Campaign mod. Bugs in the original missions should be posted on the bugtracker. I'm probably gonna fix it anyway so I can post it for you if someone with more Polish skills than google can help me out.
Soldier level 4
Soldier level 4
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Зарегистрирован: Чт авг 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение vanimpe »

I don't know whether Alliance friendly character "Maria Straszyński" in mission 14a_cont2 and 14 is random or not, but she is always treaten in dialogues as a man (in PL version).
Последний раз редактировалось vanimpe Вт июл 05, 2016 11:14 pm, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Аватара пользователя
ArCamp Developer
Сообщения: 332
Зарегистрирован: Вт июл 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение 0dd1 »

The characters are randomly generated in mission 10, and saved (if spared) to be loaded in mission 14.

Could you clarify what dialogue line exactly is off?
Do it!
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Зарегистрирован: Чт авг 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение vanimpe »

In mission 14a:

$ D4-Os-1
- Spokojnie, Heike! Pozwól mu mówić.

In mission 14:

$ C_He2
- Czemu miałbyś nam pomóc?

$ C_Al4
- Nie pomógłbym. Teraz dbamy tylko o siebie i musimy się jakoś niepostrzeżenie stąd wydostać. Kiedyś myślałem że mogłabyś być jedną z nas, ale wiciąż pracujesz dla złej strony.

In a *.zip file that I attached in other topic it is corrected.
Последний раз редактировалось vanimpe Ср июл 06, 2016 11:17 am, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Soldier level 4
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Зарегистрирован: Чт авг 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение vanimpe »

Random guy speaking:

"$ JoanFleeNotice
- Hey, there's a scientist getting away!"

in my mission 1 intro he always has the same face and unfortunately, it is the same as Leif Swansson's.
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ArCamp Developer
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Зарегистрирован: Вт сен 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение McBenn »

@Duplicate faces
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Soldier level 4
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Зарегистрирован: Чт авг 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение vanimpe »

During am and rus campaign, after landing, Raul Xavier (Hajji, Rene) and Kurt Schmidt ("Hank und Olaf") calls some names.

Hajji (Hadżi) (by R. Xavier and he is mentioned by Dietrich Gensher in mission Epsilon in am campaign), Rene, Olaf (Of course, Olaf Larsson is in game) and Hank. Maybe it is possible to implement these names by changing some characters?

Olaf of course is in game, it is Olaf Larsson.

My propositions:

Steven Lister --> René Lister (for instance, Raul Xavier's friend),
Ludwig Ortlieb --> Hajji Ortlieb (mentioned by Gensher, so it fits because he is a part of his squad, Raul Xavier might be under his command during attack),
Erwin Meza ---> Hank Meza (with Olaf, he might be a Kurt Schmidt's commander and the second squad may be under his command in the future)

It is a simple modification, because only one dialogue line in New Kabul mission must be changed after it.

Small question, why Petr Kowalski is not Piotr Kowalski? It is typical polish surname, so name should be polish too. Change him to Piotr Kowalski.
Аватара пользователя
ArCamp Developer
Сообщения: 332
Зарегистрирован: Вт июл 01, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение 0dd1 »

Kowalski doesn't have to be Polish. More like he only has Polish ancestry.
Do it!
Soldier level 4
Soldier level 4
Сообщения: 110
Зарегистрирован: Чт авг 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение vanimpe »

0dd1 писал(а):Kowalski doesn't have to be Polish. More like he only has Polish ancestry.
So, Peter is better option than Petr.
Аватара пользователя
ArCamp Developer
Сообщения: 509
Зарегистрирован: Вт сен 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Re: [EN] General bug reporting

Сообщение McBenn »

Even though these changes are mostly minor I'm reluctant to make them because of the time the mod has existed. People are now used to the characters having those names and those portraits. Disrupting that for some small references doesn't really seem worthwhile imo. I remember at some point we changed Willard to be named Ali Hadarach, and far from everyone liked that change although it was a smart reference to Am15. Even today I can get confused about Willard not being called Willard when writing dialogues and checking character references.

About Kowalski. IIRC he has also undergone a name change, although minor. Someone badly wanted him to be called "Petr" but I don't remember who or why. Perhaps to set his nationality to Czech but with Polish ancestry.